Dragalia Lost Wiki
Dragon's Nest

400016 01 portrait

400016 02 portrait
* This vestige is unlocked after this Wyrmprint is unbound twice.


...How's that? You came upon a copse of broken trees while wandering the forest? Ha ha ha! That's a dragon's nest!

...Are there really dragons around here? Of COURSE there are! Why else would there be a nest? ...Pffft! Aaah ha ha! Sorry, sorry. I'm just kidding. The whole "dragon's nest" business is just a superstition around here.

There aren't REALLY dragons around here. We just call it a dragon's nest whenever beasts run around breaking trees. It's kind of a running jo... Huh? What do you mean, you ACTUALLY saw a dragon?

You're not kidding with me about the dragon thing, right? Because I heard there WERE dragons here once, back when my granny was young. But who knows if that's true?

If you're telling the truth, maybe what you saw really WAS a dragon's nest. It's said that living things grow well in forests where dragons reside, so this is really good news. Thanks for letting me know!

Base Min Might
Minimum HP + Minimum Str + Lv. 1 Ability Might28
Base Max Might
Does not include external buffs (e.g. Halidom, Dragons, etc.)

Max HP + Max Str + Total Max Lv. Ability Might
Icon Rarity Row 3
Icon Union 04 Bow's BoonBow's Boon
No. RequiredBonus
3 Skill Haste +6%
4 Skill Haste +10%
Cost to Buy
Icon Resource Eldwater x200
Duplicate ValueWhat will be received instead if a duplicate is obtained (through drops, event rewards, etc)
Icon Resource Eldwater x150
Japanese Name
Featured Characters
Obtained From
Release Date
September 27, 2018


Wyrmprint ability(ies) upgrade once after being unbound twice and again when fully unbound.

Fills 8% of the dragon gauge at the start of quests. (Max 10%, Might: 20)


Fills 9% of the dragon gauge at the start of quests. (Max 10%, Might: 30)


Fills 10% of the dragon gauge at the start of quests. (Max 10%, Might: 40)

