Dragalia Lost Wiki

This is the Current Meta Unit Tier List for End Game Content. The purpose of this list is to help new players in building or summoning the right adventurers to build for end game content. Currently, the hardest fights in Dragalia Lost are the High Dragon Trials and Agito Trials. These trials drop materials that are used to craft the current top-tier weapons. Due to the difficulty of these fights, some adventurers will be generally more favorable in public lobbies while some adventurers will have a very difficult time joining random groups. This list is subject to change depending on newly-released adventurers, dragons, mana spirals, and wyrmprints.

Content Difficulty[ | ]

The order of Expert dragon trial difficulty from easiest to hardest are:

  1. High Mercury Trial.
  2. High Zodiark Trial.
  3. High Brunhilda Trial.
  4. High Midgardsormr Trial.
  5. High Jupiter Trial.

The order of Master dragon trial difficulty from easiest to hardest are:

  1. High Zodiark Trial.
  2. High Mercury Trial.
  3. High Brunhilda Trial.
  4. High Midgardsormr Trial.
  5. High Jupiter Trial.

Expert Agito Volk's difficulty is between High ZodiarkTrial and High Mercury Trial.

Recommendation[ | ]

  • Expert High Mercury Trial and High Zodiark Trial should be the point of entry. Void weapons with dragon bane are recommended to enter into these two fights, with a four DPS adventurer composition being the current meta.
  • After clearing Expert High Mercury, Expert High Brunhilda Trial should be the next trial using the crafted weapon from High Mercury materials. Expert High Midgardsormr Trial should be last.
  • After clearing Expert High Zodiark, Expert High Jupiter Trial should be the next trial using the crafted weapon from High Zodiark materials.
  • Master High Brunhilda Trial, Master High Mercury Trial and Master High Zodiark Trial are recommended to be the point of entry with MUB HDT Tier 1 Weapons. Master High Jupiter Trial and Master High Midgardsormr Trial are recommended with MUB HDT Tier 2 weapons.
  • Expert Agito Volk is recommended after clearing Master High Brunhilda Trial using MUB HDT Tier 2 weapons.
  • To enter public lobbies, it's best to pick an adventurer from the Core and High Pick Categories. Low Pick and Off Meta Pick Categories will have a very difficult time joining public lobbies.
  • Cygame add the revive system and the extended time limit, from 5 minutes to 10 minutes They are one of the best quality of change, since It lessens the burden of time out or run being over after one death.

Rank[ | ]

  • Core: These adventurers are the most popular units to pick for the content. Their kits generally allow consistent clears with their high damage, strong team utility, and supports.
  • High Pick: These adventurers can replace certain units in the Core category but will require more effort to play. Nonetheless, they are viable units to pick.
  • Low Pick: These adventurers can perform well with certain team compositions or pre-made groups, but generally are not picked.
  • Off Meta Pick: These adventurers generally do not get picked for these fights, outside of certain meme strategies .

Criteria[ | ]

  • Adventurers are at max level, promoted at 5 star and unlocked all possible mana circle (50 or 70).
  • Adventurers are equipped with the correct wyrmprints, dragon and 300 augments.
  • Adventurers are equipped with either High Dragon, Chimera or Agito Weapon. Void Weapons are recommended for Expert High Zodiark Trial and Expert High Mercury Trial.

Meta Adventurers Tier List[ | ]

Core High Pick Low Pick Off Meta Pick
Master High Midgardsormr Trial follows a three dps one healer composition.The current meta favors adventurers with abilities that can inflict burn, and adventurers with top tier damage output. Emma/ Haloween Lowen are generally required for print-less runs.

Currently, Xania is the prime unit for these burn team comp.

With the extended time limit, it is possible to run non-burn composition.

Example: Ezelith, Xania, Emma, Halloween Lowen; Ramona, Rena, Emma, Verica.




110011 01 r05
110004 01 r05
110260 01 r05
100001 01 r05
110257 02 r05
110269 01 r05
110002 01 r05
110264 01 r05
110263 01 r05
110010 01 r05
100010 07 r05
100029 02 r05
110291 01 r05
110342 01 r05
110346 01 r05
110266 01 r05
100010 04 r05
110050 02 r05
110032 02 r05
110007 01 r05
110043 02 r05
110008 01 r05
110005 01 r05
110259 01 r05
110354 01 r05
110261 01 r05
110056 01 r05
110299 01 r05
110054 01 r05
100032 01 r05
110344 01 r05
110270 01 r05
110006 01 r05
110009 01 r05
110011 02 r05
110003 01 r05
110001 01 r05
110052 03 r05
Master High Brunhilda Trial follows a three dps one healer composition.Due to a lack of burn resistant units, the adventurer pool is somewhat small. Although it is possible to run non burn resistant units, it will require some coordination with the healer to heal the burn at the correct time. Defense buff from healer are required for the opening blast.

Examples: Gala Elisanne, Summer Celliera, Lily, Jiang Ziya; Summer Celliera, Elisanne, Lily, Thaniel.




100029 03 r05
100002 13 r05
110351 01 r05
110255 02 r05
110252 01 r05
100002 01 r05
110019 01 r05
110253 01 r05
110255 01 r05
110042 02 r05
110328 01 r05
110022 01 r05
110021 01 r05
110018 01 r05
100003 02 r05
110063 02 r05
110317 01 r05
100004 02 r05
110301 02 r05
110022 02 r05
110029 02 r05
110265 01 r05
110013 01 r05
110058 01 r05
110015 01 r05
110016 01 r05
110012 01 r05
110258 01 r05
110020 01 r05
110014 01 r05
110053 02 r05
110017 01 r05
Master High Mercury Trial follows a four dps composition.Due to High Mercury having high HP and dodge-able attack, healer is not required. Currently, meta team composition will require Wedding Elisanne, Victor and Noelle,

Poison composition with Kirsty and Joachim is a viable comp, but generally is not common in public lobby.

Examples: 2x Wedding Elisanne, Victor , Noelle; Wedding Elisanne, Victor , Noelle, Lin You.




100002 06 r05
110340 01 r05
110307 01 r05
110027 02 r05
100003 07 r05
110027 01 r05
110021 03 r05
110310 01 r05
110268 01 r05
110350 01 r05
110353 01 r05
110267 01 r05
110032 01 r05
110341 01 r05
110030 01 r05
110256 01 r05
110257 01 r05
110315 01 r05
110318 01 r05
110002 02 r05
110004 02 r05
110026 01 r05
110023 01 r05
110025 01 r05
110024 01 r05
110028 01 r05
110302 01 r05
110314 01 r05
110031 01 r05
110029 01 r05
100003 01 r05
Master High Jupiter Trial follows a four dps composition. Currently, three Gala Cleo and Audric composition is the only meta team with consistence clear. Each adventurers will equip a Bridal Dragon wyrmprint and Audric will equip a dragon that has a 180% change to stun/freeze skill.

With the new revive system, 4 Gala Cleo team are now possible with faster clear time, but require perfect rotation from the players. Delphi can also replace Audric as a baiter after the revive.

A full Poison comp with Delphi and Lathna is a viable comp, but is generally not common in public lobby.

Examples:3x Gala Cleo, Audric; 2x Gala Cleo, Botan, Audric.




100004 10 r05
110336 01 r05
110334 01 r05
110313 01 r05
110312 01 r05
110333 01 r05
110326 01 r05
110337 01 r05
110310 02 r05
110280 01 r05
110269 02 r05
110311 01 r05
110281 01 r05
110325 01 r05
110349 01 r05
110051 01 r05
100005 01 r05
110335 01 r05
110343 01 r05
110048 01 r05
110067 01 r05
110044 01 r05
110045 01 r05
110049 01 r05
110254 01 r05
110046 01 r05
110047 01 r05
110066 01 r05
110053 01 r05
100004 01 r05
110050 01 r05
110052 01 r05
Master High Zodiark Trial follows a four dps composition. Currently. Fleur / Mitsuhide is required as the main dps. 2x Gala Prince or Gala Prince With Dragonyule Malora/ Hunter Vanessa are used for the opening blast. At least 2x Cupid is recommended for consistency.

Although Dragonyule Malora/ Hunter Vanessa are viable units in High Zodiark, 2x Gala Prince is generally more common in the public room.

Examples: Fleur, 2x Gala Prince, Yachiyo; Mitsuhide, Gala Prince, Dragonyule Malora, Yachiyo.




110345 01 r05
110319 01 r05
100001 08 r05
100006 09 r05
110064 01 r05
110007 02 r05
110036 03 r05
110347 01 r05
110348 01 r05
100004 04 r05
100002 02 r05
110275 01 r05
110043 01 r05
110274 01 r05
110301 01 r05
110015 02 r05
110042 01 r05
110305 01 r05
110304 01 r05
110327 01 r05
110037 01 r05
110036 01 r05
110035 01 r05
110033 01 r05
100006 01 r05
110049 02 r05
110038 01 r05
110040 01 r05
110063 01 r05
110303 01 r05
110277 01 r05
110276 01 r05
110047 02 r05
110039 01 r05
110034 01 r05
110041 01 r05
110316 01 r05
100006 03 r05
Expert Agito Volk follows a three dps one healer composition. Halloween Lowen is required to heal the plague affect from Volk. Two stun resistance adventurers and two sleep resistance adventurers are recommended.The current meta favors adventurers with abilities that can inflict burn, and adventurers with top tier damage output.

Examples: Ezelith, Xania, Prince, Halloween Lowen; Ezelith, Xania, Halloween Mym, Halloween Lowen.




110004 01 r05
110011 01 r05
110257 02 r05
100001 01 r05
110002 01 r05
110264 01 r05
100010 07 r05
110050 02 r05
110266 01 r05
110260 01 r05
110263 01 r05
100029 02 r05
110346 01 r05
100010 04 r05
110269 01 r05
110010 01 r05
110291 01 r05
110342 01 r05
110007 01 r05
110032 02 r05
110043 02 r05
110008 01 r05
110005 01 r05
110259 01 r05
110354 01 r05
110261 01 r05
110056 01 r05
110299 01 r05
110054 01 r05
100032 01 r05
110344 01 r05
110270 01 r05
110006 01 r05
110009 01 r05
110011 02 r05
110001 01 r05
110003 01 r05
110052 03 r05