Dragalia Lost Wiki

Soufflé for Two


110032 01 r05Maribelle: Hey, you gotta try this soufflé!

110032 01 r05Maribelle: My granny and me made it just for you and it's super yummy and crazy fluffy and...and...and you gotta try it right now!

Child of the Forest

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Hee hee! I'm so happy that everyone ELSE is happy!

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Oh, it's Serena! Serenaaaaa! Here, have some soufflé, okay? It's so yummy, your FACE will fall off!

Purehearted Warrior

110054 01 r04Serena: Ooo, that looks bonkers good! *CHOMP* It's... It's so... *sniff*

110054 01 r04Serena: I-its so good, I'm gonna CRY! *sniff*

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Yaaaay! If it makes you that happy, it means all the work was worth it.

110054 01 r04Serena: Um...do you have any more?

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Lemme see... Nope! You just ate the last bite.

110054 01 r04Serena: Aw, boo! I wanted more. Like, a LOT more. It's actually sort of embarrassing how much of that I'm ready to horf down.

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Well then, I'll teach you how to MAKE one! I can do that 'cause I'm a grown-up now.

110032 01 r05Maribelle: That way, you can have soufflé whenever you want!

110054 01 r04Serena: You'd really do that for me?

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Sure! Teaching stuff is easy when you're all adult-y like me.

110054 01 r04Serena: Well, can I at least help?

110054 01 r04Serena: I mean, I don't really know much about baking, so I might just get in the way, but I promise to try my best.

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Sure! We'll do it together!

110054 01 r04Serena: Oh yay! Just tell me what to do, okay?

110032 01 r05Maribelle: We're gonna make the best soufflé ever!

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Eggs, butter, sugar... Yep! That's all we need!

110054 01 r04Serena: Mmm-hmm, yep! Got it. So what do we do first?

110032 01 r05Maribelle: First, you separate the egg whites from the yolks. Then you add a tablespoon of sugar to the yolks and mix, mix, mix until it all starts to turn white!

110054 01 r04Serena: Huh, okay. So what do we do with the whites?

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Hang on, I'll do it! You just...um... put some sugar in there, maybe?

110054 01 r04Serena: All right. How much?

110032 01 r05Maribelle: One...tablespoon? Yeah! A tablespoon! Then mix, mix, mix until it gets foamy!

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Umm...?

110054 01 r04Serena: Er, it's not getting foamy.

110032 01 r05Maribelle: J-just hang on! I'm pretty sure that when my granny made it, she...

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Ack! Okay, I don't actually know anymore, so let's just mix everything together!

110054 01 r04Serena: That sounds like a terrible idea!

110032 01 r05Maribelle: EEEK!

110032 01 r05Maribelle: ......

110054 01 r04Serena: Wow, you mixed so hard you knocked the bowl off the counter! Are you okay?

110032 01 r05Maribelle: ...I'm sorry.

110054 01 r04Serena: For what?

110032 01 r05Maribelle: I'm sorry I couldn't teach you how to make a soufflé. I'm a bad grown-up.

110032 01 r05Maribelle: *sniff*

110054 01 r04Serena: *sniff*

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Huh? Why are YOU crying?

110054 01 r04Serena: *sniff* 'Cause I should be like your big sister, but you're always teaching ME how to make stuff...

110054 01 r04Serena: All I do is slow you down. *sniff* I'm the opposite of help. I'm pleh!

110054 01 r04Serena: You always *sniff* work so hard, and I didn't even notice you were struggling. *sob*

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Nooo, don't cry! It's fine! L-look, I can see how grateful you are!

110054 01 r04Serena: *sniff* I'm s-sorry, Maribelle. Let's try the soufflé again, okay? I promise to be helpful this time.

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Okay. Thanks, Serena!

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Honestly, I was just overthinking everything and sort of panicked. That's why the recipe didn't work.

110032 01 r05Maribelle: And actually, all this has reminded me of when my granny taught me to bake.

110032 01 r05Maribelle: She always went reeeeally slow, and showed me what she was doing one step at a time.

110032 01 r05Maribelle: I should have used your help instead of trying to do everything! That's why it all ended up a big gloopy mess.

110032 01 r05Maribelle: So let's try it again!

110054 01 r04Serena: The first step was separating the egg whites and the yolks, right?

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Yep! And then we stir each of 'em all up.

110032 01 r05Maribelle: The reason the whites didn't foam was because we put the sugar in too early. We'll be fine so long as we don't panic and do everything in order.

110054 01 r04Serena: Hey, look! It's fluffy!

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Now we pour the batter into the pan... and the last thing is the magic trick my granny taught me—we tap the bottom of the pan juuust once!

110054 01 r04Serena: Hee! This is fun!

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Then we bake it...and it's done!

110054 01 r04Serena: I'm so excited, I'm gonna POP!

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Our soufflé is finished!

110054 01 r04Serena: Ooo, the outside looks perfect... *sniff* And it smells delicious! I gotta have some right now!

110032 01 r05Maribelle: All right, on three. Ooone...twoooo...


Together: ......

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Blech! It's totally underdone...

110054 01 r04Serena: Yeah, but it's STILL good! *sniff* Oh man, here come the waterworks...

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Wait, really?

110054 01 r04Serena: *sniff* D-don't YOU think it's good?

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Heck yeah! It's SUPER good! Let's make it again sometime!

110054 01 r04Serena: Yeah! We'll just keep baking until we get this recipe PERFECT!

110032 01 r05Maribelle: Thanks, Serena!
