Dragalia Lost Wiki

The following is a crowdsourced dropsheet posted with permission from and run by myskaros#8396 on the Discord with information gathered from the community regarding the drops during quests, including Event quests. This can be used to identify where to most efficiently farm for materials such as orbs, scales, event items, etc.

How to Use

  • For General Materials

Check the Analysis tab and find the item you're looking for. The numbers represent how many drops of that item you get per stamina / getherwing, so the higher the better.

  • For Event Items

Check the Event - drops tab and scroll down to the Analysis portion to find the numbers for each event item in every event quest. There are also additional event information tabs which can also be helpful during the event as well. The numbers represent how many drops of that item you get per stamina / getherwing, so the higher the better.

How to Contribute

If interested, there are also instructions on the Explanation tab on how to contribute to the spreadsheet. Please follow the instructions closely when contributing.

