Dragalia Lost Wiki
General Stories Misc


On Sortied
Hmhm, ready to research.
On Entering a Room
Mwahaha, Mwahaha! Duality! How wonderful!
When Quest Begins
Let the experiments begin! Heh ha ha!
Every experiment requires careful preparation, yes?
Response to Beginning of a Quest
Wait! I'm coming with!
I'm ready to begin my observations. Ha ha ha!
When Controlling Character in Quest
What a fascinating situation!
When Receiving a Heal
Just what the doctor ordered!
Oooo, that tickles!
When Entering a Boss' Room
Let me show you my scientific method!
My research will only benefit from this!
Response to Entering a Boss' Room
I'll record every last detail!
Once we're done, this can be my next subject!
Upon Getting to Low Health
This is an unusual experience...
I feel my consciousness leaving me... How extraordinary...
Upon Opening a Chest
Ooh, let me experiment on that treasure, would you?!
Treasure? How fascinating!
Boss on Low Health
I will be the catalyst of your doom!
Show me your final struggle up close and personal!
Boss Enters Break State
Mwa ha ha! Now's our chance!
This is our chance to attack! Go go go!
Rare Enemy Spawns
Ooh, a rare specimen indeed!
Wait! That one's rare! Let me grab my notebook...
Upon Death
Where will my soul end up, I wonder...?
But...my work is unfinished...
Upon Revival
Let our experiment resume!
When Using Weapon/Shared Skills
Damage: Time for my next experiment!
Buff Self: Let's see what THIS does!
Buff Ally: Don't interfere with my work!
Debuff Enemy: You're my next guinea pig.
Heal Ally: Oh, necrotic tissue!
Heal Self: Hahah!
Player Uses Damaging Skill
Excellent! I gathered some fine data from that one!
My inner researcher demands to study you later!
When Shape Shifting is Ready
Oh?! I hear the dragon's call!
Ready to begin shapeshifting experiment!
Shape Shifting into Dragon
Let the metamorphosis begin!
Idle During Quest
Come, come. Aren't we leaving yet?
I suppose this is a good chance to gather my thoughts.
Quest Clear
Oho! What a delightful experiment!
Quest Failure
Those results were terrible!
Home Screen Walking
Mwah ha ha!
How fascinating!
Perhaps it's time for another experiment...
Let's make this a great day...for SCIENCE!
*sigh* If I only had more manpower...
What new discovery awaits tomorrow?
Home Screen Inside
That dragon's scales would let me conduct entirely new rituals... How exciting! Mwah ha!
Conducting rituals is like writing formulas— except for requiring a sacrifice, of course!
One scholar I know blows things up when her experiments fail. I'm tame by comparison!
I can't show anyone what's under this mask. You'd have nightmares for the rest of your life!
When I'm tired, I always drink herbal tea. It wakes me up and gives me SO MANY NEW IDEAS!
Studying curses is my duty as a scholar, and I'll let no one tell me otherwise.
Home Screen Portrait
Everything has scientific value, even the way you're frowning right now!
Failure simply opens the door to future improvement.
You there! I need some dragon scales, just a few, I swear!
Don't fear my research, there's nothing scary about forbidden rituals, ohoho!
Hold this beaker, assistant. Yes, I am aware that it's filled with goo.
Collection Portrait
If I can understand how fiends came to exist, I'll be that much closer to my dream.
Don't worry. This experiment won't hurt a bit. Heh. More like a lot. Hahaha!
My room is very comfortable. And thanks to all the weird smells, no one ever bothers me!
Research is my life. Well uh and oxygen and hydration and metabolism and uh...
I never used to feel an assistant was necessary, but it's rather nice to have a kindred spirit.
Limited Lines
Halloween: Perhaps I'll dress as one of my experiments this year, ohoho, the children will be delighted!
Dragonyule: Why is the castle so lively? Oh, it's Dragonyule! Hmm yes, time to experiment on some gifts!
New Year: Here's a new year's gift from me to you! Hmm? You don't trust it? Hahaha, you know me well.
Giving Valentine's: This is for you. Huh? No, of course it isn't dangerous! ...Probably.
Receiving Valentine's: A present for me? Mwahaha, you really are peculiar! ...Gimme.
Anniversary Lines
1st Anniversary: A whole year already! We've done so many wonderful experiments!
2nd Anniversary: Wow, two years, great! May the next two bring TWICE as many research opportunities!
At The Halidom
Greetings! Care to help me with a ritual?
Why was that ritual a failure, I wonder?
Oh dear... I've angered the dragon yet again!
New Mana Circle Unlocked
My sacrificial value is only increasing!
On Mana Circle Fully Unbound
My soul is closer to its final destination, but there's still work to be done!
On Promotion to 5 Icon Rarity 5
My soul is closer to its final destination, but there's still work to be done!

Adventurer Story Episodes

Episode 1

The Mad Scientist

100004 01 r04Cleo: I believe I just heard a dragon's roar.

100003 01 r04Ranzal: Yeah, me too. Must'a been Midgardsormr.

100003 01 r04Ranzal: That ain't like him. Wonder if he's hungry?

100004 01 r04Cleo: He's not YOU, Ranzal—there may be some other explanation besides food.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Someone may have snuck into the castle in an attempt to hurt the dragons. Let's go!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Wheeeee hee hee hee ha ha hoooo!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: He didn't like that, did he? Dear me no, he did not like that at ALL!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Still, I had no idea the breath of a dragon contained such power...

110051 01 r04Kleimann: What a simply fascinating observation! Wheee hee hee ha ha ha!

100003 01 r04Ranzal: Hey! Who are you?!

100001 01 r04The Prince: What happened, Midgardsormr?!

210001 01Midgardsormr: Nothing to concern yourself with. I was merely trying to blast that knave out of my sight—although it appears I should have blown a little harder.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Blow him out of sight?

100001 01 r04The Prince: Midgardsormr, you'll likely take out the entire castle if you do that—not to mention kill...um...whoever this is.

210001 01Midgardsormr: Then you do something about him. Hmph.

210001 01Midgardsormr: Otherwise, I have no choice but to take matters into my own claws.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Okay, we'll handle it. Just...take it easy.

100003 01 r04Ranzal: Whew! That's one crisis averted, yeah?

100003 01 r04Ranzal: So what's your deal, pal? Why're ya in here pickin' a fight with a dragon?

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Picking a fight? Heavens, no! I was merely attempting to harvest a few of his scales. For research, yes? I mean, surely he won't miss one or two or a couple dozen.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: But alas, someone wasn't feeling like contributing to the betterment of science, and I was nearly smashed into paste. Which would have been FASCINATING...

110051 01 r04Kleimann: I'll be sure to bring a heavy weight with me next time so as to keep myself firmly in contact with the ground at all times. It's the lift coefficient, yes? Yes!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Wheee hee hee hee ha ha ha!

100004 01 r04Cleo: What an odd little man.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Look, just leave his scales alone in the future.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Hmm? Why? Do you ALSO not care one whit for the betterment of science, you pathetic Luddite?!

100001 01 r04The Prince: No, it's because if he gets mad, he'll bring this castle down around our ears and kill us all.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: A logical counterpoint.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Very well! I accept your hypothesis.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Therefore, on my NEXT attempt, I will employ careful stealth so as not to enrage this most grumpy of Reptilia.

100001 01 r04The Prince: You are COMPLETELY missing the point. We need you to... Um, hello?

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Hmm... There really are a number of fascinating things to study in this castle...

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Eureka! I've come to a conclusion!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Until the ritual I'm working on is complete, I will be taking up residency in this place. Please consider me a tenured member of your faculty and/or board of directors.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Oh, this is a perfect spot for my new laboratory!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Wheeee hee hee hee ha ha hoo!

100003 01 r04Ranzal: I think this guy's a couple pikes short of a full platoon...

Episode 2

A Little Bit of Danger

120007 01 base portraitFiend: Raaaaaaahhh!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Fiends?! How did they get into the castle?!

100002 01 r04Elisanne: Are you well, Euden?!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Yes, I'm fine. But what's going on?!

100002 01 r04Elisanne: I am uncertain. These fiends seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

120007 01 base portraitFiend: Raaahhh!

100002 01 r04Elisanne: There are more here as well! Where are they coming from?!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Worry about that later. Right now, we have to take 'em out!

100002 01 r04Elisanne: Agreed!

100003 01 r04Ranzal: This is the last of 'em!

120007 01 base portraitFiend: Rrrraaaaaghhh...

100002 01 r04Elisanne: Whew! We did it.

100004 01 r04Cleo: Still, what could have allowed so many fiends to get into the castle?

100004 01 r04Cleo: It doesn't make any sense.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Wheee hee hee haaa! Good heavens, was THAT ever a failure!

100001 01 r04The Prince: I don't think I like where this is going.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Yes, well, I was just conducting a little experimental ritual, you see?

110051 01 r04Kleimann: I managed to summon many, many, MANY fiends and have been watching you defeat them ever since with great interest!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Wheeee hee hee!

100004 01 r04Cleo: I should have known you were behind this.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Whee hee hee ha ha! True! Very true!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Of course, this definitely wasn't what I WANTED to happen.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: But it still had a very interesting outcome, which makes it an experiment worth conducting.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: For now I have solved a portion of the ancient enigma of how fiends appear in this world!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Wheee hee hee hee hee ha ha ha hoo!

100002 01 r04Elisanne: This isn't funny!

100002 01 r04Elisanne: You put everyone's lives in danger!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Whee hee hee... Ah. Yes. I suppose I did. Terribly sorry about that.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Still, when it comes to research, a little bit of danger is just the cost of doing business! Whee hee hee hoo!

100002 01 r04Elisanne: Cease this mad cackling at once, then spare a moment to consider how your actions have inconvenienced others!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Oh, very well.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: I promise to never repeat this again.

100002 01 r04Elisanne: Well, so long as you understa—

110051 01 r04Kleimann: For if I learn from this and decrease the number of catalysts next time, the results should be even MORE fun!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: You're only opposed to me repeating the same experiment, yes? Which means if I change it, there's no harm done! Oh, how excited you must be!

100002 01 r04Elisanne: Enough! You are clearly incapable of ever seeing the error of your ways, so let me make this plain:

100002 01 r04Elisanne: do not perform this—or ANY similar— experiment ever again!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Wheee hee hee...huh? Oh dear. And here I thought everyone would be able to share in my excitement too.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: It's SUCH a shame! Whee hee hee!

Episode 3

An Assistant Is Born

100002 01 r04Elisanne: Euden? We need to talk about Kleimann.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Oh boy. What's he done this time?

100004 01 r04Cleo: He angered Midgardsormr. AGAIN.

100004 01 r04Cleo: He tried to steal some scales—even after all the times we warned him not to.

100002 01 r04Elisanne: And that's not all.

100002 01 r04Elisanne: The stench coming from his room is so foul, it's making people ill.

100002 01 r04Elisanne: I cannot abide his presence any longer. You must throw him out of this castle at once!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Let's all just calm down for a second.

100001 01 r04The Prince: I'll talk to him and see if I can get him to be a little less...annoying.

100002 01 r04Elisanne: If you do not solve this problem, I shall— and my way will certainly be more painful!

100004 01 r04Cleo: Good luck, Euden.

100001 01 r04The Prince: ...Kleimann? We need to talk.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Ah! If it isn't Euden!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: You've come to observe my research, I take it?

110051 01 r04Kleimann: I'm so glad you've finally developed an interest in the natural sciences!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Er, no. That's not why I'm here, actually.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Your research is making people angry. VERY angry, in fact—and they're all coming to me about it.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Oh? How fascinating!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: What have they been saying? Do tell!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: I'm always interested in the results of my experiments, including the effects they have on other people!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Look, there has to be a way for you to do these experiments that's less intrusive for everyone, right?

110051 01 r04Kleimann: To be honest, I've never considered that question... Hmm...

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Well, it won't be easy, I fear. My hands are already full creating, conducting, and recording all of my experiments.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: I don't have enough hands to stop them from affecting others.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: So I'm afraid the answer is no! Terribly sorry, and all that.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Would you be less annoying if you had... I don't know. An assistant, maybe?

110051 01 r04Kleimann: The incidence of such events would very likely decrease, yes.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: But even if I wanted help, I can't see anyone wanting to give it. The people here simply lack the requisite curiosity!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: For reasons I cannot possibly fathom, I can count the number of people who have shown an interest in my work on one hand.

100001 01 r04The Prince: I'll do it.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: You? Wait, YOU? Euden? THAT you? Will assist ME?

100001 01 r04The Prince: Are you all right with that?

110051 01 r04Kleimann: I most certainly am!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Come, come! Hurry to the laboratory! I need to explain all of my equipment!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: An assistant... Ah, what a nostalgic word!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Let me just confirm this before we start: If I assist you, you'll be able to do your research without causing trouble for everyone else, right?

110051 01 r04Kleimann: While the effects of my research on everything around me are a source of fascinating data, I will do the best I can if it is required for your assistance.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Fair enough.

100001 01 r04The Prince: Honestly, I wasn't expecting you to agree to that so easily.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Why, because you think I'm some kind of mad scientist? Perish the thought!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Wheee hee hee hee hee ha ha ha hoooo!

100001 01 r04The Prince: ...You know what? I'm just gonna let that go.

Episode 4

Braving the Unknown

100001 01 r04The Prince: *cough* *hack* *wheeze* Looks like that was another failure.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: It certainly was! Wheee hee hee!

100001 01 r04The Prince: You're surprisingly cheerful for someone whose experiment just exploded.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Oh? Am I? Hmm... Yes, I suppose I am in higher spirits than usual.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Ever since you joined me as my assistant and I gained a kindred spirit to share my work with, my experiments have been so much more fun!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Really?

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Indeed! It's a most fascinating outcome!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Still, this time we got an explosion, the time before that a horrifying smell, and the time before that a bunch of fiends. ...Again, I might add.

100001 01 r04The Prince: What's going to happen when this experiment is successful?

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Are you asking me to define success? Ah, but that is a difficult question, my boy. After all, we sail into unknown territory!

100001 01 r04The Prince: What do you mean?

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Well, this is something I haven't spoken aloud to anyone yet...

110051 01 r04Kleimann: But you are my trusted assistant, and you appreciate my work.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: So I will tell you—and only you—so long as you keep it in the strictest confidence.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: The goal of my research is to perfect a ritual that uses me as a sacrifice!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Ummm...ooo-kay? But what happens to you in that case?

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Why, I die, of course!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Wheee hee hee hee ha ha ha hooo!

100001 01 r04The Prince: What?! Why would you ever consider doing such a thing?!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Because I desire to know the truth.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: I want to know what happens to souls that are sacrificed in ritual magic.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Some say these souls disappear completely—that they simply vanish into nothingness.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: While others claim such souls are consumed as mana. That they are, in essence, destroyed.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: I reject both hypotheses out of hand; I believe the souls simply leave their bodies and live on elsewhere.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: And I intend to prove that theory, no matter the cost! Whee hee!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: If that means I have to use myself as a ritual sacrifice and lose my physical form in the process, so be it.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Once in spirit form, I will be able to search out the souls of the other sacrifices.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: That is the final goal of my research, Euden.

100001 01 r04The Prince: You can't sacrifice yourself! It's madness!

100001 01 r04The Prince: You have to stop this!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: I'm afraid that's one request I cannot grant, even for my loyal assistant.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: I've poured the majority of my life into this research. I will not turn back now.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: But this is all quite firmly in the realm of the theoretical. I don't plan to sacrifice myself today—or even this week. Does that reassure you? Whee hee?

110051 01 r04Kleimann: For you see, I still have much more research to do before I can ensure I'll be able to reach everyone's souls.

100001 01 r04The Prince: All right. I understand what you're trying to do, and how serious you are.

100001 01 r04The Prince: But I still can't accept the idea of you sacrificing your own life.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Ah, Euden, my boy.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: You are still young, so it's no surprise you can't understand what I'm trying to do.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: But I am convinced that you WILL come to understand one day.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Likely on the day you discover something that matters more to you than your life.

Episode 5

A Life Dedicated to Learning

100001 01 r04The Prince: *cough* *cough*

100001 01 r04The Prince: Another failure? I'm starting to lose count of how many that is...

110051 01 r04Kleimann: A failure? What are you saying, my boy?!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Did you not see that light?! It is what I have been waiting for all this time!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: This is a glorious success! It was worth all of the previous failures and then some!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Our hard work has paid off in spades! The path to my sacrifice is open at last!

100001 01 r04The Prince: ...Really?

100001 01 r04The Prince: I'm not sure what was different this time as opposed to all the others.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: You aren't? A pity.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Still, there's one thing I very much want you to understand: this was only possible thanks to all of your assistance.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: You are the first person in all my years to aid me with the research that so many others have shunned!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: I came to this castle in the hopes it would help me finish my work, yet I ended up gaining something far more valuable than my initial goal.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: For all these long years, my research has been lost in darkness...

110051 01 r04Kleimann: And now you have shone a light on it!

100001 01 r04The Prince: I'm not sure whether I should feel happy about that or not, given what you're planning to do.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Oh, there's no need for modesty, my boy. Rejoice and be proud!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Wheeee hee hee hee ha ha ha hoo!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Oh, and this is no longer MY research— it is OUR research! I will ensure that you receive coauthorship credit in any future scientific journals.

110051 01 r04Kleimann: And when the time comes for me to sacrifice myself, I hope you will be there to see me off!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: ...You know? It's odd. I never used to have any regrets about leaving this world— but once I got you, my loyal assistant, I find myself wanting to exist a little longer.

100001 01 r04The Prince: But even if I try to stop you going through with this, you won't listen, right?

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Of course not. This research is my life!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: And that life will end with me becoming a sacrifice for my work. Nothing can change that now.

100001 01 r04The Prince: I see...

100001 01 r04The Prince: But since the experiment was successful, are you planning on sacrificing yourself right awa—

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Come, assistant! Back to the lab! We need to start our next experiment!

100001 01 r04The Prince: But you said that the path was open. Isn't that the end of the experiments?

110051 01 r04Kleimann: The path may be open, but there is still much work to do before we reach its end!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Until then, I'm not going anywhere!

100001 01 r04The Prince: Phew...

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Now come along! There isn't a single moment to waste!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Our next experiment beckons!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: I cannot wait to see the results!

110051 01 r04Kleimann: Wheee hee hee hee ha ha ha hoo!
