Dragalia Lost Wiki
Play past events whenever you want!
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The Event Compendium is an archival game mode that allows players to play old events at any time. This makes previously-limited-time content such as Event Facilities and limited Wyrmprints permanently available. It was added in version 1.18.0.

Selecting an event[ | ]

Event Compendium Guide 1

Selecting an Event

Players may select only one event as their "active event" at a time. Once an event is selected, an automatic download will install data needed to play it.

Events can be switched at any time. Switching events will install the data for the new event and delete data for the old event, but progress and items from the old event will be saved.

While an event is selected as active:

  • Wyrmprints that boost its drop and point rewards will appear in the Featured tab of the Shop's Wyrmprint exchange.
    • Such Wyrmprints will also have their drop- or point-boosting abilities visible on the Wyrmprint itself. These abilities will be hidden for non-active events.
  • A button detailing the event facility's damage perks will be visible on adventurer team screens.
  • Endeavors related to the event will be added to the Normal tab of the Endeavors window. These will be hidden for non-active events.

Changes from original event format[ | ]

To accommodate these events becoming permanent, several changes were made to the events' format and rewards:

Quests[ | ]

Facility Events[ | ]

  • All quests are restricted to solo play only.
  • For older events (particularly those originally released before March 2019's "The Accursed Archives"), the amount of preliminary quests during the event story has been decreased from 7 to 2. This brings them in line with more-recent events, which also only have 2 preliminary quests.
  • Nightmare difficulty for Challenge Battle has been removed. Due to this, the Grand Bounty has also been removed.
  • Wyrmprints, weapons, dragon gifts such as 30002 Dragonyule Cakes, and "legendary" drops such as 201015001 Twinkling Grains, 10101 Summon Vouchers, and 201012001 Golden Fragments have been removed from event quests.
    • Due to this, Master Challenge Battle can no longer offer higher drop rates for rare items, as it no longer has rare items to drop. It offers the same base points as Expert Challenge Battle but is harder, so in practice it is now a one-and-done piece of content rather than one to be farmed.

Raid Events[ | ]

  • All quests are solo-only for the most part, but some events (such as "Forgotten Truths") may have a single co-op quest available as a final challenge.
  • The amount of preliminary quests during the event story has been decreased to 2. This brings them in line with more-recent events, which also only have 2 preliminary quests.
  • Boss Battles and Raid Battles are no longer interspersed in the event story - instead, they all become available in a single batch just before reading the event's epilogue.
  • Fixed-stats versions of the Raid Battle have been added. Clearing the fixed-stats quest will unlock the event's epilogue.
  • All quests cost stamina, without any need for 2040105 Otherworld Fragments, 2041306 Otherworld Gems, or 2041307 Omega Keys.
  • Only one difficulty of the Boss Battle is available.
  • Most difficulties of the Raid Battle have been removed. The Grand Bounty has also been removed, even on quests still labeled as Nightmare difficulty.
  • For Raid Events that had dragons available as rewards, those dragons are now available as 5 separate copies from first-clear rewards of certain quests.

Treasure Trade[ | ]

Facility Events[ | ]

  • Treasure Trade shop rewards have removed any reference to units featured in reruns of the event. For example, "The Miracle of Dragonyule" has removed light-attuned orbs, Amber Insignias, and Axe tablets, thus removing any reference to 110036 03 r05 Dragonyule Malora.[1][2]
    • An exception exists if the event's first run had no tablets at all. In that case, the tablets from one of its first rerun will be used.
    • 203009001 Dragonyule Presents and their associated rewards have also been removed.
  • As of version 2.0, the Event-Exclusive Wyrmprint is only available through an Endeavor - they are no longer available in the shop or as event point rewards (all instances in event point rewards have been replaced by 300 Eldwater).
    • Prior to version 2.0, the amount of the Event-Exclusive Wyrmprint available in the treasure trade was increased from 5 to 20. Cost increases after every 4 prints redeemed, rather than after every 1 print. 20 prints is enough to make 4 max-unbound copies of the event print, likely to compensate for them not being available as drops anymore.
      • If event point rewards are considered, 24 prints total are obtainable per event
  • For older events (particularly "A Wish to the Winds"), their Treasure Trade shops have been brought in line with more-recent events by adding Augments, and decreased event material costs for several items.
    • Prior to version 2.0, the Treasure Trade also added one copy of a Wyrmprint that usually costs Eldwater.

Point Collection Rewards[ | ]

Facility Events[ | ]

  • 201008001 Looking Glasses have been removed from event point rewards, and replaced by Icon Resource Mana Mana.
  • Event-exclusive items such as weapons or stickers that were available from external sources (Log-in bonus, etc) have been incorporated into the relevant event's rewards. For example, "The Miracle of Dragonyule" rewards the 303038 01 40201 Wishing Knife (Skin), which was originally a log-in bonus.
  • The amount of Icon Resource Mana Mana available from each stack in event point rewards has been increased.

Raid Events[ | ]

  • Blazon Summons and Emblem Rewards are completely absent. There is no longer any incentive to play an event's quests multiple times.
  • Conviction items, which could be used to upgrade an event Adventurer's mana circles, are no longer available.

Endeavors[ | ]

Facility Events[ | ]

  • Daily endeavors have been removed.
  • The amount of Icon Wyrmite Wyrmite rewarded from endeavors has been slightly reduced. 10101 Summon Vouchers and 10102 Tenfold Summon Vouchers have been completely removed from endeavor rewards.
    • Clearing Master Challenge Battle offers 200 instead of 500 Icon Wyrmite Wyrmite.
    • The final endeavor in a chain offers 50 Icon Wyrmite Wyrmite, the same as previous quests in the chain. Previously, these final endeavors offered 100 or 150 Icon Wyrmite Wyrmite.
    • For events from "A Crescendo of Courage" onwards, Icon Wyrmite Wyrmite rewards are drastically reduced, and replaced with materials such as 101001003 Gold Crystals and 102001003 Succulent Dragonfruits.
  • Hustle Hammer Hustle Hammers, stamina-restoration items such as 100606 Yuletide Roasts, and augments such as 117001001 Amplifying Crystals have been removed from endeavor rewards.
  • Wyrmprints specific to certain Facility Events are available as endeavor rewards.

Raid Events[ | ]

  • Daily endeavors have been removed.
  • Endeavors only give rewards for the first clear of certain quests - there is no incentive to clear quests multiple times.
  • Endeavor rewards include: 10101 Summon Voucher x5, various Epithets, and weapons. No Icon Wyrmite Wyrmite is available, unless the player has already received the event's Epithets beforehand.
  • Wyrmprints specific to certain Raid Events are not available at all.

Misc[ | ]

Raid Events[ | ]

  • Raid Boosts are not available.
  • Certain Raid Events are not unlocked until the player has made progress in the Main Campaign:
    • Fractured Futures - Chapter 6 / 4-4
    • Forgotten Truths - Chapter 14 / 4-9
  • Raid-specific adventurers no longer require gathering friendship points. Instead, they will permanently join the player's roster after clearing a certain quest in their event.

Available Events[ | ]

Name Type Exclusive Adventurer Exclusive Dragon Exclusive Wyrmprint(s) Exclusive Facility Exclusive Weapon(s) Date Added
Banner The Accursed Archives
The Accursed Archives
Facility Hitting the Books Library Obscura 2024-03-20 4:10:42 PM
Banner Forgotten Truths
Forgotten Truths
Raid Mordecai 2020-12-23 6:00:00 AM
Banner Fractured Futures
Fractured Futures
Raid Audric Parallel Zodiark 2020-12-23 6:00:00 AM
Banner A Crescendo of Courage
A Crescendo of Courage
Facility Surfing Siblings Seabed Stage 2020-11-27 6:00:00 AM
Banner Trick or Treasure!
Trick or Treasure!
Facility Plunder Pals Sweet Retreat Jack-o'-Lance Vampire's Lantern 2020-09-25 6:00:00 AM
Banner The Hunt for Harmony
The Hunt for Harmony
Facility A Mother's Love Dragoñata 2020-07-13 6:00:00 AM
Banner Dream Big Under the Big Top
Dream Big Under the Big Top
Facility Astounding Trick Circus Tent 2020-05-22 6:00:00 AM
Banner A Wish to the Winds
A Wish to the Winds
Facility Louise's Hobbies Wind Shrine 2020-03-27 6:00:00 AM
Banner Flames of Reflection
Flames of Reflection
Facility The Dragon Smiths Arctos Monument 2020-03-27 6:00:00 AM
Banner The Miracle of Dragonyule
The Miracle of Dragonyule
Facility A Slice of Dragonyule The Greatest Gift Yuletree Wishing Knife Ringing Wand 2020-03-27 6:00:00 AM

Notes[ | ]

  1. "A Wish to the Winds" includes 202005011 Sword Tablets, 202005031 Dagger Tablets, and 202005081 Staff Tablets, referencing 100002 06 r05 Wedding Elisanne, 110002 02 r05 Wedding Aoi, and 110004 02 r04 Wedding Xania, who were featured in the rerun but not the event's original run. However, the initial run didn't actually have tablets in the first place.
  2. "Flames of Reflection" erroneously includes 202005051 Lance Tablets (referencing 110353 01 r05 Kirsty) rather than 202005031 Dagger Tablets (referencing 110265 01 r04 Renee)