Dragalia Lost Wiki
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On Sortied
One slice of cutie pie, coming right up!
On Entering a Room
Here comes Captain Cutie!
When Quest Begins
Onward to cuteness!
All prim and prepped?
Response to Beginning of a Quest
Let's go make the world a cuter place!
Yes, I'm dressed to kill!
When Controlling Character in Quest
Prepare to be charmed!
When Receiving a Heal
Gosh, you're a lifesaver!
That was a close one...
When Entering a Boss' Room
Let's show them how much strength there is in cuteness!
On my cuteness, I will not lose!
Response to Entering a Boss' Room
You got it! I'll trounce 'em with my charm!
I may be cute, but I'm STRONG, too!
Upon Getting to Low Health
Gettin' kinda frazzled...!
Go away, light, I don't wanna see you yet!
Upon Opening a Chest
Anything cute?
Money money mo-neeey!
Boss on Low Health
I think we're getting to them!
Just a little more!
Boss Enters Break State
There's our opening!
Make it count!
Rare Enemy Spawns
*gasp* It's so CUTE!
Did someone say "glam"?
Upon Death
Lady Mitsuhide... I'm sorry...
But I'm so...cute...
Upon Revival
Cute is eternal!
When Using Weapon/Shared Skills
Damage: Beauty is pain!
Buff Self: You're mine now!
Buff Ally: We'll get you dressed to kill.
Debuff Enemy: You are not cute.
Heal Ally: Let me dress your wounds.
Heal Self: Deeeep breath...
Player Uses Damaging Skill
I love your style!
When Shape Shifting is Ready
The dragon's ready to rumble!
The dragon's heart is pounding!
Shape Shifting into Dragon
A twirl and a twinkle, and now I'm a dragon!
Idle During Quest
Are you tired? Want me to cutely cheer you on?
Perhaps I'll write a poem...
Quest Clear
Yay! Cute wins again!
Quest Failure
Cute isn't supposed to lose.
Home Screen Walking
Lady Mitsuhiiideee, where aaare youuu?
Let me pick you out something cute!
Is it too late for sweets...?
I should double-check my dye supply!
Hi, kitty!
Proper skincare is essential.
Home Screen Inside
Tee hee hee! Eeeeeeehehehe! Which laugh do you think sounds cuter?
I'm not a big fan of the moon. The way it changes is kinda depressing.
I never skip training! True cuteness comes from a healthy body!
I used to wear Lady Mitsuhide's old clothes, way back when. That's why I'm a kimono expert!
Makeup is powerful, but it can't beat a good smile! Come on, show me those pearls!
Being around Lady Mitsuhide always makes me feel more positive.
Home Screen Portrait
Woodblock printing has become quite popular in Hinomoto lately. And it's not hard to see why: they're simply breath-taking!
Lady Mitsuhide is quite cute. But I'm still cuter, hee hee!
I don't get on very well with Lady Nobunaga's attendant. He can be incredibly stubborn.
I've been studying how to make kimonos recently. After all, who better then me to draw out my own beauty.
There's nothing cuter than being yourself.
Collection Portrait
My legs are beautiful? I get that a lot. But you should check out this biceps too.
Even when mice grow up, they stay all cute and teeny! Makes a guy jealous.
I share my name with a Hinomotoan candy. I like sweets, by I'm sick of that one.
Lately I'm big into collecting rouges and blushers. I met this beautician who knows all about them.
I'm terrible at singing. Isn't it kind of honestly cute? He he!
Limited Lines
New Year: Happy new year! Do you have a resolution? Mine is to get even cuter, hehe!
Giving Valentine's:
Receiving Valentine's:
Anniversary Lines
2nd Anniversary: Happy two year anniversary! Being around you makes me wanna work harder too.
At The Halidom
Ack, did my hat slip?
You just keep me around 'cause I'm cute, huh?
Hee hee! Stop, stop, I'm ticklish!
New Mana Circle Unlocked
You thought I was cute before? Ha! You haven't seen anything yet!
On Mana Circle Fully Unbound
Now I can share my cuteness with the whole world!
On Promotion to 5 Icon Rarity 5
Now I can share my cuteness with the whole world!

Adventurer Story Episodes

Episode 1

Cuteness Diplomacy

Townspeople: *beam*

110347 01 r04Chitose: *beam*

110347 01 r04Chitose: Hey, folks! Chitose here, ready to inspire! Pre-heat those ovens to 375 degrees, because here comes a bona fide cutie pie! Everybody feeling good today?

Townspeople: FEELING GREAT!

Resident: Chitose! You're SO cute! Gimme a smile!

110347 01 r04Chitose: No pushing, now! There's more than enough of me to go around!

110347 01 r04Chitose: All right! Time to ride this cheer wave and make cuteness diplomacy a success!

110347 01 r04Chitose: We're doing "international exchange"? With Alberia?

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: Yup. And I'm appointing you as the official ambassador. You'll be using the Halidom as your home base, per my arrangement with Euden.

Mouse Wyrmclan Leader and Chitose's Master

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: We're swiftly approaching an era where we'll need Alberian connections beyond what we've established in the Halidom.

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: If you'll recall Hinomoto's One Hundred Poems by One Hundred People: "Good relations make for peaceful times." We should get a head start on that.

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: So get out there and weaponize that cuteness for international diplomacy! We'll call it...cuteness diplomacy. Good luck!

110347 01 r04Chitose: Maaan, I was super-duper worried about how this would go, but I'm killin' it! Cuteness is universal!

110347 01 r04Chitose: And now, I'm gonna go all-out with the diplomacy today! ...Wait, what's going on over there?

110347 01 r04Chitose: Some kind of trouble? Hey, no better way to make friends than to lend a helping hand! Aaand we're off to the races!

110048 01 r03Vice: ...I'm telling you, I'm not really up for it. That sort of thing isn't in my wheelhouse.

Born Assassin

Girl: But you shop all the time, don't you? Can't you help me? Pleeease?

110048 01 r03Vice: I only shop when I need groceries... and I'm not even a chef to begin with!

110048 01 r03Vice: Do me a favor and drop it, okay? There's a good girl.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Person in need: discovered! Wait, Vice? What the heck's going on here?

110048 01 r03Vice: That you, Chitose? Hey. I guess this kid wants to buy a gift for her sick mother.

Girl: That's right, but the flower I want to get her is sooo expensive. I don't have enough with just my allowance.

110048 01 r03Vice: So she's asking me to go instead and haggle the price down for her. Can't see it working, no matter how you slice it.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Ooh, I see! Yeah, that's probably totally beyond you, Vice.

110347 01 r04Chitose: You're a bit of a soft touch, and not much for driving a hard bargain. But fear not, little one, for I am here!

110347 01 r04Chitose: My irresistible charm will see your wish granted lickety-split!

110048 01 r03Vice: Uh, mind explaining how "charm" is gonna get a merchant to cut their profits?

110347 01 r04Chitose: Hee hee! Watch and learn. To the market, sidekicks!

Girl: Um, excuse me! Do you still have that flower I asked about earlier?

Merchant: I do indeed. Did you bring enough money this time?

Girl: Um, well... Ch-Chitose?

110347 01 r04Chitose: All right! Watch a master in action! Hey there, mister. I'm gonna be taking point for the nervous little lady here.

110347 01 r04Chitose: So this is the famous flower, huh? Woooow, it really leaves an impression! What'll it run us?

Merchant: That there's an exceptionally rare breed of flower. It's 15,000 rupies in all.

110048 01 r03Vice: Bwuh-what?! I could buy the whole veggie section at the grocery store for that much!

Merchant: Do you have any idea how hard it was to get my hands on? I'm already giving you a bargain at 15,000.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Reeeally? Like, REALLY really? You couldn't throw us a teensy-weensy bone?

Merchant: Er, I mean...

110347 01 r04Chitose: Picture this: If I adorned myself with this lovely flower, I could be even CUTER than I am now.

Merchant: Huh? Why would that—

110347 01 r04Chitose: Do the math, my friend. Cute plus cute equals even cuter. Don't you want to experience the ultimate in adorableness?

Merchant: I...think I do...

110347 01 r04Chitose: Then let's make a deal! All I need is one measly flower to usher in a cutesplosion unlike anything the world's ever seen! The power to make it happen lies with you!

110347 01 r04Chitose: Now's your chance to prove yourself an ally of cuteness! Won't you please knock a little off the price of that flower? P-L-E-A-S-E?

Merchant: Well, I'd hate to deprive the world of a new age of cuteness... How does 10,000 sound?

110347 01 r04Chitose: Oooh, I think you can do a little better! Let's say...7,000. Perfect, right? Mwah!

Merchant: The cuteness compels me...! Fine, 7,000 it is!

110347 01 r04Chitose: Sold! Now, I'll adorn myself with it, like so...and voila! Grab your bib and have a slice of THIS cutie pie!

Merchant: Hee hee... Oh, cuteness, I worship thee...

110347 01 r04Chitose: Ta-daaa! Here's your flower, little lady.

Girl: Thank you! Here's the money...

110347 01 r04Chitose: Keep it. Knowing how sweet you are and how much you love your mom is payment enough.

Girl: Really? You're so amazing, Chitose! You're the total package!

Girl: The way you won over that merchant with your cuteness was like magic!

110048 01 r03Vice: It wasn't magic. It was just negotiation...

110347 01 r04Chitose: Sure, it wasn't MAGIC, per se, but there IS a little secret behind my appeal, y'know!

Girl: A secret?

110347 01 r04Chitose: Yep. Wanna know?

Girl: Please! Tell me!

110347 01 r04Chitose: Then pull up a chair for storytime, friends. I call this one: "The Secret Tale of Chitose the Cute!" You listen carefully too, Vice!

110048 01 r03Vice: Are you kidding me...?

110347 01 r04Chitose: No bellyaching about it, kitchen jockey! Ears open! Now... Long ago, in a land far, far away...

Episode 2

Chitose's Past: Part One

Long ago, in a land far, far away,
there was a boy whose smiling face
was more radiant than any jewel.
His affirming upbringing only served
to enhance his natural charisma.

That boy's name was Chitose,
and he embraced his lot in life.
So bubbly was his disposition
that he shined bright like the sun.

Yet as surely as a storm spoils a
picnic, there came a day when the
thunderclap of expectation
threatened his sunny nature.

Several years ago

Chitose's Father: Your coming-of-age ceremony will be upon us before long, Chitose. Accordingly, you will be taking your examination.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Father, no. I don't want to.

Chitose's Father: Refusal is not an option. You cannot persist in interminable fascination with "cuteness"!

Chitose's Father: You must become a strong, stout man— one befitting our role as a warrior family in service of the Mouse Clan.

110347 01 r04Chitose: You keep saying that, but I haven't the faintest idea how to do what you ask.

Chitose's Father: I suspected you would say as much. That is why I made arrangements for you to call upon the Boar Clan.

Chitose's Father: Master Ieyasu will model for you the strength and mindset I expect you to embody. Now, off you go!

110347 01 r04Chitose: Wh-what?!

110347 01 r04Chitose: And so, I need to learn what it means to be a "strong, stout man."

110313 01 r05Ieyasu: Ha ha. I admit I found myself curious as to why the Mouse Clan had petitioned me for aid, and here we have it.

Leader of the Boar Clan

110347 01 r04Chitose: I am sorry to trouble you with this, Master Ieyasu.

110313 01 r05Ieyasu: It's no bother at all; the coming-of-age ceremony is a major life event for one born to a warrior family of Hinomoto. It weighs on your father just as it weighs on you.

110313 01 r05Ieyasu: Now, as for what constitutes a strong, stout man... Addis, to me, please.

110310 01 r04Addis: You rang?

Ieyasu's Attendant

110347 01 r04Chitose: Whoa, he looks so cool and strong!

110313 01 r05Ieyasu: Indeed. And if I had to hazard a guess, I'd say that your father hopes for you to become like Addis here.

110347 01 r04Chitose: ...Huh?

110313 01 r05Ieyasu: Addis sports a sturdy physique and is as martially adept as they come.

110313 01 r05Ieyasu: I wonder if this is the kind of man your father is imagining when he uses the words "strong" and "stout."

110347 01 r04Chitose: What?! W-wait, are you saying that...

110347 01 r04Chitose: ...in order to become a strong man, I have to stop being cute?!

110310 01 r04Addis: I mean, I ain't never thought of myself as cute.

110347 01 r04Chitose: I KNEW IT! But wait. Waaait a sec. WAIT.

110347 01 r04Chitose: If you take the cute outta me, I'll basically just be a lifeless husk! You can't do that! NO WAY, NO HOW!

110313 01 r05Ieyasu: Calm your heart. If you are truly so vexed by the idea, then perhaps a conversation with your father is in order.

Unknown???: You mustn't coddle him, Master Ieyasu.

Ieyasu's Attendant

110311 01 r04Sazanka: Becoming an adult means accepting change.

110311 01 r04Sazanka: So long as a person lives, they cannot stop growing—in neither mind nor body.

110347 01 r04Chitose: In neither mind NOR body? So you're saying I'm going to end up all muscled out like Addis?!

110347 01 r04Chitose: I don't want that, though! I want to stay like I am now—cute in mind and body! How can I do that?!

110311 01 r04Sazanka: You cannot. You can but accept that change is inevitable.

110347 01 r04Chitose: No... Say it isn't so...

110347 01 r04Chitose: (People have been telling me how cute I am all my life. It's made me so happy.)

110347 01 r04Chitose: (But now I'm suddenly supposed to just be at peace with changing who I am? No!)

110347 01 r04Chitose: I hate the thought of becoming an adult. Even Lady Mitsuhide has been totally different since she made her soulpact.

110347 01 r04Chitose: I know that she's still the same person, but it makes me sad that things have to change.

110347 01 r04Chitose: I don't want to be an adult. I just want to freeze time and live like this forever.

110347 01 r04Chitose: What do I have to do to stay cute forever?

A few days later...

Chitose's Father: Pull yourself together, Chitose! What's going on in that head of yours? You haven't slept a wink, and you're not eating!

110347 01 r04Chitose: Leave me alone! I'm...working, okay?!

Chitose's Father: I don't know where this stubborn streak came from all of a sudden. You need to grow up and—

110347 01 r04Chitose: Omigosh, ENOUGH! Shut up about the adult stuff already! I don't want to "grow up"!

110347 01 r04Chitose: I'm staying cute—in mind AND in body— and that's that! I don't ever want to change! I'm going to...stop things...as they...

110347 01 r04Chitose: ......

Chitose's Father: Chitose? CHITOSE?! He passed out!

Chitose's Father: Someone, help! Please! I need medical assistance, or else...or else my boy is going to die!

Episode 3

Chitose's Past: Part Two

110347 01 r04Chitose: (This must be a dream. There's a younger me, and he's crying, after all.)

110347 01 r04Chitose: (Serious, studious Lady Mitsuhide changed overnight into a layabout. I was so torn up about it that I cried until I couldn't see.)

Young Chitose: Lady Mitsuhide! I...*sob* I don't WANT you to be a different person!

Young Chitose: Is it because you're an adult now? Because you "grew up"?

Young Chitose: Is that gonna happen to me someday? That makes me so sad. My heart hurts...

110347 01 r04Chitose: ...... What...am I...?

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: Morning, sunshine. You've been asleep for nearly three days.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Three days?! I must have been such a burden on you.

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: You sure were. And you know what caused it all? You not knowing when to cool your jets.

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: What were you thinking? You could have died from this, you know. Tell me that's not what you wanted, Chitose.

110347 01 r04Chitose: I wasn't TRYING to die. But if the alternative is becoming an adult... Then yeah, I think I'd rather die.

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: You don't want to become an adult? Why?

110347 01 r04Chitose: Because it means giving up my cuteness.

110347 01 r04Chitose: For a while now, I've seen "growing up" as synonymous with "losing something."

110347 01 r04Chitose: I think the first time it crossed my mind was when you entered into your soulpact.

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: Because of my shortened lifespan?

110347 01 r04Chitose: In part, yes. And also because since the moment you made your soulpact, you've changed. You were once such a hard worker, but you've done a total 180.

110347 01 r04Chitose: It's as though something is missing. It made me wonder if that's what "becoming an adult" means.

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: Hold up, pal. You're being a tad mawkish. I don't think I lost anything when I made my pact.

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: Making the pact AND deciding to chill out were both what I wanted. Frankly, I'm upset that you came to that conclusion without even asking me.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Huh?

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: Lemme just say this: becoming an adult doesn't mean letting go of who you are.

110347 01 r04Chitose: But I thought that cuteness and adulthood couldn't mix!

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: Y'know, I dunno why you're so self-assured about the whole "cuteness" thing.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Hey! Why would you say that?! Even if you won't acknowledge it, *I* know I'm positively adorable!

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: Then what are you so worked up for? Just keep knowing you're cute no matter how old you get.

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: What got you so hung up on the idea that you'd suddenly lose that upon growing up?

110347 01 r04Chitose: Erm, well... I mean... Uh, now that you mention it, why DID I think that?

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: That's literally what I just asked you! *sigh* It's all good. Let's just give it a rest for today. See ya.

110347 01 r04Chitose: So I DON'T have to lose something upon becoming an adult, huh?

110347 01 r04Chitose: I feel foolish for not getting it until now. I don't need anyone else's validation to feel cute. Only I can decide that.

110347 01 r04Chitose: From this day on, whatever trials await me, I shall burst through them with my innate charisma! Cuteness! Is! Justice!

Several weeks later, on the day of
Chitose's coming-of-age exam...

Chitose's Father: I see. Judging by your outfit, I take it to mean that you've given up on becoming an adult.

110347 01 r04Chitose: You mustn't judge a book by its cover, Father—even if that book is bedazzled to the moon and back!

110347 01 r04Chitose: I can't argue that I'm decked out from head to toe in adorable accoutrements. I am cuteness made manifest, after all!

Chitose's Father: T-true, but...

110347 01 r04Chitose: Father, I've been thinking. Just because I'm becoming an adult doesn't mean I need to abandon who I am. Nor do I have to become big and burly.

110347 01 r04Chitose: But you know what? I WANT to become a "strong, stout man"—just with a cute twist!

110347 01 r04Chitose: So look at me, as I am now. I'm going to conquer my coming-of-age exam as my true self! Watch, and see how strong my resolve really is!

Chitose's Father: I see. Then as a parent, it falls to me to bring you back down to reality.

Chitose's Father: I will harden my heart and give you a coming-of-age exam you'll not soon forget!

Chitose's Father: Defeat all of these opponents. Should you emerge victorious, I will acknowledge that you have come of age—as the strong, stout, and cute man you claim to be.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Now we're talking! Get ready to eat the cutest crow you've ever had, Father!

110347 01 r04Chitose: *pant* *pant* *pant*

Examiner 1: It's not over yet! Haaah!

Examiner 2: Prepare yourself! Hragh!

110347 01 r04Chitose: Urk... Whoa! Aaah!

110347 01 r04Chitose: *wheeze* *pant* Urgh... I'm...not going down...yet...!

Chitose's Father: Surely you realize the error of your ways by now, my son.

110347 01 r04Chitose: No! You don't get to decide who I am and what I can or can't do! I will be CUTE, and I will succeed!

Examiner 3: Urgh!

Examiner 4: Uwargh!

Chitose's Father: You would still proclaim "cuteness," filthy and ragged as you are?!

110347 01 r04Chitose: I would! Even if I were to roll in the mud, it wouldn't matter, because my cuteness comes from within!

110347 01 r04Chitose: And so long as I believe in myself, then I'll always, forever, and eternally be the cutest little button under the sun! HIIIYAAAH!

Examiners: Urgaaah!

110347 01 r04Chitose: Cuteness is embedded in my very spirit! You were fools to doubt my resolve!

110347 01 r04Chitose: And so, I defeated every last challenger with the almighty power of cuteness.

110347 01 r04Chitose: My father was convinced, my problems were resolved, and I found an indelible sense of pride in being true to myself.

110048 01 r03Vice: You have to be making this up. You HAVE to.

110347 01 r04Chitose: I'm serious as a heart attack! But, like, a cute little heart, not a gross, veiny one.

Girl: Hmmm... You know, I think I kind of get it.

Girl: You really thought long and hard about what cuteness means to you.

110347 01 r04Chitose: See, she gets it! You've been following along much better than Vice, haven't you?

110048 01 r03Vice: Oh, can it. I use facts and logic. A pro like me can't act on feelings and emotions.

Girl: You're good at what you do, Vice, but I think Chitose is a pro in his own way, too!

110048 01 r03Vice: Oh yeah?

Girl: Yeah! That's why next time I'm in trouble, I'm going to ask Chitose to help again!

Girl: I'll be like, "Please, Chitose, save me with the almighty power of cuteness!"

110347 01 r04Chitose: And I will swoop into action, of course! Whatever woes you might have, by my honor as a bona fide cutie, I'll have them solved with a wink and a sparkle!

Episode 4

The Limits of Cuteness

110347 01 r04Chitose: Odd. I've been searching for quite some time, but I still haven't found the girl...

110347 01 r04Chitose: (It all started a few days ago. We were playing hide-and-seek, and in the middle of the game, she vanished.)

110347 01 r04Chitose: (She hasn't gone home, and no one's heard from her. I leveraged my cuteness to gather information from the townsfolk, but nobody's seen hide nor hair of her.)

110347 01 r04Chitose: I can't believe I haven't turned up a single lead! What the heck is going on?

110347 01 r04Chitose: But come to think of it, there HAVE been a lot of disappearances in Hinomoto lately... Could this be connected?

Unknown???: Nope. Apples and oranges.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Vice?! What are you doing here? And why the fruit analogy?

110048 01 r03Vice: You're normally so carefree, so when I saw you poking around, all serious, I wondered what was going on.

110048 01 r03Vice: That's why I took it upon myself to investigate what happened with that kid.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Really?! Well, did you turn anything up?

110048 01 r03Vice: Easy. Info's not going anywhere. I heard a fishy little rumor via my intelligence network.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Go on...?

110048 01 r03Vice: Apparently, a notorious band of thieves has moved in on this town, and is plying their criminal trade.

110048 01 r03Vice: Yet there hasn't been a single eyewitness to their misdeeds. I bet they're cleaning house.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Surely you don't mean that they're being silenced—or worse?!

110048 01 r03Vice: This is all speculation. But it would be worthwhile to investigate.

110048 01 r03Vice: I've marked a few places on this map where their hideout might be, so we'll go together and—

110048 01 r03Vice: Hey!

110347 01 r04Chitose: Thanks, Vice! I'm gonna take point!

110048 01 r03Vice: Hey, stop! You didn't even let me finish talking! You can't go alone, it's gonna be dangerou—dammit, he's already gone!

110347 01 r04Chitose: No luck so far. This is the last place.

110347 01 r04Chitose: My mind is racing with all the awful things that could be happening to her right now. Please be safe, please be safe...!

Mysterious Person: ...Tch.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Who's there?!

110347 01 r04Chitose: —Hrgh!

Mysterious Person: Hmph. Irritatin' kid, snoopin' around. Time for you to go beddy-bye. Forever.

110347 01 r04Chitose: ...!

110048 01 r03Vice: Hey, you're awake. Feeling okay?

110347 01 r04Chitose: I'm in...the Halidom? I'm guessing I screwed up and you came to the rescue.

110048 01 r03Vice: You guessed right. Gee, if only someone had warned you not to take off running while he was in the middle of talking.

110347 01 r04Chitose: ...I'm sorry, Vice. You're right. I goofed.

110048 01 r03Vice: Listen, Chitose. I want you to forget about this whole matter.

110347 01 r04Chitose: What?! You want me to just leave that girl to die?!

110048 01 r03Vice: Never said that. But I'm gonna be the one to help her. The people we're up against... they're bad news.

110048 01 r03Vice: This band of thieves is notorious. The worst of 'em would slit your throat the moment they saw you.

110048 01 r03Vice: In other words, they're pros. All the cuteness in the world won't get you anywhere with guys like them.

110048 01 r03Vice: So do me a favor and leave this to me.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Not happening.

110048 01 r03Vice: What did you say?

110347 01 r04Chitose: I said, "not happening." I made that girl a promise: that no matter what woes she might have, I'd help her solve them.

110048 01 r03Vice: Rrrgh, Chitose, I'm TELLING you—

110347 01 r04Chitose: I don't want to betray her—or myself. I'm going to figure this out my own way.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Cuteness is my reason for being. It's my strength. And sometimes, I think it might be my weakness, too.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Yet as a paragon of all things adorable, I believe in cuteness more than anyone. That's why no matter what, I will use it to challenge any problem head-on!

110048 01 r03Vice: An admirable sentiment. But how are you going to make this work? You know, concretely?

110347 01 r04Chitose: Well...

110347 01 r04Chitose: Who is it?

100004 01 r04Cleo: Ah, you're awake, Chitose. You have guests.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Guests?

100004 01 r04Cleo: Fans of yours who live in the area. Scores of them. They say they'd like to help you in your time of need.

110347 01 r04Chitose: *gasp*

110347 01 r04Chitose: See, I told you cuteness could solve anything! Let's go, Vice!

110048 01 r03Vice: Go where? What are we doing?!

110347 01 r04Chitose: Isn't it obvious?! I'm gonna save that girl the way only I know how! *wink*

Episode 5

The Infinite Power of Cuteness

Girl: *sniffle* *sob*

Bandit Leader: Cry all ya want, little miss! Ain't nobody gonna swoop in and save ya.

Bandit Leader: Yer fate's been sealed since ya laid eyes on us doin' our work, y'see. Can't have you runnin' around squawkin' our secrets.

Girl: *sob* Chitose... Help me...

Bandit Leader: Chitose? That eyesore of a kid? Put a fork in 'im, 'cause he's done for. He ain't comin', no matter how much ya wail.

Bandit Leader: And now, I's gonna send ya right along to meet yer precious little Chitose in heaven! DIE!

Girl: Noooooo!

110347 01 r04Chitose: It won't be that easy, I'm afraid!

110347 01 r04Chitose: In this world, evil never pays, and cuteness always prevails!

110347 01 r04Chitose: Hark, for I am justice, adorned with a bow! No river nor valley can stand in my way! Now, cease your villainy, you...villains!

Girl: Chitose!

Bandit Leader: Still alive, huh? Pretty dumb move to come here alone! Get 'im, boys!

Bandits: He's ours!

110347 01 r04Chitose: HIIIII-YAH!

Bandits: Damn you! But give it up— yer completely outnumbered!

110347 01 r04Chitose: *pant* I'm not done yet!

110347 01 r04Chitose: *wheeze* It's like I kicked a beehive! There's no end to this swarm of jerks!

Bandit Leader: Hmph. If you plant that sweet little face'a yours at our feet and beg forgiveness, I'm willin' to kill you quickly!

110347 01 r04Chitose: You got another thing coming if you think I'm gonna be begging for mer—GWAAAH!

Bandits: Bah ha ha! Ya talk a mean game, but yer just a little punk! Now, say yer prayers!

110347 01 r04Chitose: Huh? Wha—no!

Bandits: Gah! What was that?!

110048 01 r03Vice: *sigh* You call this buying time? Shoulda let me do it. Just barely got here in time.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Vice! You made it!

110048 01 r03Vice: Obviously. I'm a consummate professional. I've got the whole gang here. Now, sic 'em, folks!

Townspeople: Yeah! Let's go, everyone! Let's save Chitose!

Bandits: Eyagh! Who the hell are all these punks?!

Chitose Fan 1: Oh, y'know, just diehard Chitose fans!

Chitose Fan 2: Yeah! We'll protect Chitose's radiance!

Bandit Leader: Urk... What the HELL is goin' on here?! Hurry up and DO something, you lot!

Bandit 1: We can't, boss! Th-there're so many folks squirmin' around that we can't move!

Bandit 2: The hell?! Chitose's FANS?!

110347 01 r04Chitose: Hee hee hee! The power of my cuteness is the most magnetic force in the world! Surely even you can feel it, no? *wink*

Bandit Leader: The hell kinda new age crap're you spoutin'?! You got a screw loose, kid! I don't care how many peasants you dredge up, I've still got the girl—

Bandit Leader: What?! Sh-she's gone?! HEY! MINIONS! Where's the damn girl?!

110347 01 r04Chitose: Vice saved her while you were focused on the townspeople.

110347 01 r04Chitose: And now, it's time for you to pay the piper! Be a good boy and let us tie you up, 'kay?

Bandit Leader: Grrr! Shut the hell up! You think I'm just gonna roll over like a damn dog?!

110347 01 r04Chitose: Oooh, watch out, folks. We've got a tough guy here. I guess that means you're DYING to see my trump card! Prepare to be dazzled!

Townspeople: Everybody, we can't just stand here! We gotta support Chitose, too!

Townspeople: Chitose, Chitose, he's our man! If he can't do it, no one can! You're so cute it makes us blush! Turn this jerk's face into mush!

110347 01 r04Chitose: I get my own cheer? Score! All right, let's do this! Time to break some boundaries!

110347 01 r04Chitose: Here! I! Gooooo!

Bandit Leader: ...Huh?

Bandit Leader: Whaaat? The...wall? Huh? The wall's...gone?

110347 01 r04Chitose: Tee hee. Who needs a wrecking ball when I'm around?

110347 01 r04Chitose: I believe in my cuteness, and my fans do, too. And that makes me invincible! *beam*

Bandit Leader: I don't get it, but... Urgh. We totally lost.

Bandit Leader: Total defeat...by the power of cuteness...

Girl: Chitose?!

110347 01 r04Chitose: Are you okay? I was so worried!

Girl: Yeah. I'm okay because I believed in you! Thank you for saving me.

Girl: You really are amazing, Chitose. I want to be just like you.

Girl: I hope I can be as cute as you someday.

110347 01 r04Chitose: You absolutely can!

Girl: Really?

110347 01 r04Chitose: Yeah. Just so long as you believe in your own cuteness—your own feelings.

110347 01 r04Chitose: I'm living proof of that. I decided that no matter what other people expected from me, I'd always be true to myself when I grew up—my unique, adorable self.

110347 01 r04Chitose: All you need to do is listen to your heart. If you do, I'm sure you'll be giving even me a run for my money one of these days! Because cuteness is what? Justice! *wink*

Girl: Okay! I'll use you as a role model and learn everything there is to know! You know why, Vice? Because cuteness is justice! *wink*

110048 01 r03Vice: Ugh, I hear that enough coming from THIS guy. Don't point your love beams or whatever at me, too.

Girl: You're such a party pooper, Vice! You really don't see Chitose's appeal?

110048 01 r03Vice: Dunno. More importantly, if we're done here, let's escort the people back to town. All right, folks, time to go!

Girl: Booo.

110048 01 r03Vice: Phew, what a relief. They didn't find out.

110048 01 r03Vice: I can never tell them how I got swept up in the moment and started cheering along with the crowd...

Some time later, in Hinomoto...

110347 01 r04Chitose: And that's my report, Lady Mitsuhide. The exchange with Alberia is going well, and the girl I saved is doing even better.

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: Nice work. I knew I was right to put you in charge of networking with other nations.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Hee hee. I couldn't have done it without you, Lady Mitsuhide.

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: Uh, how do you figure?

110347 01 r04Chitose: I mean...

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: Lemme just say this: becoming an adult doesn't mean letting go of who you are.

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: What got you so hung up on the idea that you'd suddenly lose your cuteness upon growing up?

110347 01 r04Chitose: If you hadn't talked some sense into me, I would have given up on being cute.

110347 01 r04Chitose: It's no exaggeration to say that my cuteness diplomacy's success and the little girl's rescue are all thanks to you, Lady Mitsuhide.

110345 01 r05Mitsuhide: I said that stuff? Huh. Well, I'm glad. Y'know, that you can still be cute and all.

110347 01 r04Chitose: Yeah! And that's why I'm gonna keep busting my cute little butt to repay the favor!

110347 01 r04Chitose: No matter the task, just leave it to me: your #1 most adorable ambassador!
