Dragalia Lost Wiki
A Mother's Love

400176 01 portrait

400176 02 portrait
* This vestige is unlocked after this Wyrmprint is unbound twice.


Simurgh is a dragon with wings of rainbow. She lives a quiet life in the forest, warming her egg day in and day out, waiting patiently for hundreds of years for her baby to be born; the epitome of maternal love.

She warmed it through even the harshest weather, sitting upon it with love and pride in her heart. Then one day, at long last, the fated moment arrived.

With a shiver and a crack, the little chick broke through her shell and peered out at the world. Spreading her tiny wings, she looked up at her mother, and Simurgh heard her baby's voice for the first time.

Her child was born, but Simurgh did not rest. Her devotion only grew, in fact, and her baby enjoyed a happy and healthy rearing.

Centuries passed. The new Simurgh grew, and eventually gave birth to an egg of her own. She perched atop the egg and smiled, proud and thankful to follow in her mother's footsteps—and thus the cycle continues.

Base Min Might
Minimum HP + Minimum Str + Lv. 1 Ability Might76
Base Max Might
Does not include external buffs (e.g. Halidom, Dragons, etc.)

Max HP + Max Str + Total Max Lv. Ability Might
Icon Rarity Row 5
Cost to Buy
Icon Resource Eldwater x0
Duplicate ValueWhat will be received instead if a duplicate is obtained (through drops, event rewards, etc)
Icon Resource Eldwater x300
Japanese Name
Featured Characters
Obtained From
Release Date
March 31, 2019


Wyrmprint ability(ies) upgrade once after being unbound twice and again when fully unbound.

Speeds the rate the mode gauge decreases by 25%. (Max 35%, Might: 60)


Speeds the rate the mode gauge decreases by 30%. (Max 35%, Might: 80)


Speeds the rate the mode gauge decreases by 35%. (Max 35%, Might: 100)

Icon Ability 1120006
Eggsploration Points
(Event)This ability will only be active during its associated event and will disappear after the event ends.

Increases eggsploration point intake for clearing quests by 100%. (Max 250%, Might: 0)


Increases eggsploration point intake for clearing quests by 125%. (Max 250%, Might: 0)


Increases eggsploration point intake for clearing quests by 150%. (Max 250%, Might: 0)

